Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Cookies Are the Best

Halloween Cookies Yum

            We loaded on frosting and added sprinkles. Eating one of the cookies was great! Yes I love to make Halloween cookies. Good smelling cookies make me smile!

October 30, 2012

Cookie Licious

For Halloween we made cookies by adding sprinkles, cream, and syrup. We made ghost cookies, witch hat cookies, cat cookies, and pumpkin cookies. We made them for the Halloween party. My favorite was the witch hat’s cookies.




I want to be smart because I wanted made gravy inside the Article.

John October 30, 2012.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Decorating for Fall

This fall we made candy corns and pumpkins and hung them in school.


We Made Party Favors for the Gala

The high school students made cards for the Gala. The Gala was on October 7th. The cards were for moms and dads. I made envelopes. Make a donation next year!

October 23, 2012

Preparing for the Gala

These are the pictures of us making the magnets for the Gala

Le Gala

This fall we put calendars on magnets, put the calendar magnets on the envelope, cut the ribbons and only a few students tied the ribbons on the envelope. I did the calendars on magnets, put the calendar magnets on the envelopes, and cut the ribbons. The calendar magnets are for the people who went to the GALA.

Thank you for the people who went to the GALA. We hope you like our magnets. J
